Posted in Tune In Tuesdays

Little Me

How many times have we thought about the past and wondered “I wish I knew back then what I know now”? Little Mix, an UK band, captures this feeling perfectly  in their song Little Me. 

We’ve made mistakes, we’ve made decisions that we were not happy woth but somehow we came out through the other end. The only thing that we should have done was not have made different choices but instead been smarter and stronger about it. We should have ‘spoken up’ or ‘shouted out’ and known that the future will be better and brighter like how the lyrics tell us to. 

This song is beautiful both in its melody and in its meaning. This is a song that you’ll not want to forget and remember when times are tough. Because ‘you can be beautiful, wonderful, anything you want to be’. 


Just an ordinary girl with extraordinary dreams. Bookworm, Foodie and DIY enthusiast.

8 thoughts on “Little Me

    1. Yeah definitely better than 5H. But they’ve gone down, have you watched Touch? Ew. But the songs are still great. I love the whole Salute album!😍


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